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Incident Caused by Traffic Dispute in Samsun


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In Samsun’s Kavak district, a family was attacked as a result of a traffic dispute. In the incident, the family’s car window was broken and they were beaten, and their frightening moments were recorded on camera.

Tense Moments Reflected on Camera

Gergin Anlar Kameralara Yansıdı

The incident took place last night on the Samsun-Ankara Highway. When a traffic dispute started between two vehicles, the argument quickly escalated. Tension reached its peak when the drivers got out of their vehicles.

As the incident escalated, Seyit O.Ö., Latif Ö. and Kamuran Ö. They attacked the other driver’s car, broke its windows and turned the vehicle into scrap.

The 6-month-old baby and his mother in the vehicle revealed the horror they experienced. While the woman’s cries and the babies’ cries were heard, drivers in the area intervened to stop the incident.

When police teams arrived at the scene, the attackers were detained. The battered family filed a complaint and a judicial process was initiated.

Samsun'da Trafik Anlaşmazlığından Kaynaklı Olay

While one of the attackers was arrested and sent to prison, the other was released on condition of judicial control. Details of the incident continue to become clear within the scope of the investigation.

Incident Caused by Traffic Dispute in Samsun

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