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Hungary’s Russia Visit Causes EU Crisis


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Hungarian leader Orban’s visit to Russia, which he called a “peace initiative” at the beginning of his presidency, has drawn reactions from EU officials and many member states. Orban, who met with Russian President Vladimir Putin, was harshly criticized by EU Council President Charles Michel, EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell, as well as European leaders.

EU Ambassadors Give Orban a “Yellow Card”

The ambassadors of EU member states in Brussels met to discuss Orban’s visits to Russia and China and the future of the EU presidency. The ambassadors condemned the Hungarian leader and expressed their discomfort with the diplomatic visits Hungary has organized since the start of its presidency.

Calls from the European Parliament to “Take Back the Presidency”

Avrupa Parlamentosundan “Dönem Başkanlığı Geri Alınsın” Çağrıları

Leaders of political groups in the European Parliament discussed possible sanctions, including a boycott and premature termination of the Hungarian presidency. Liberals and Greens called for the presidency to be taken back.

Is it possible to revoke the presidency?

Germany, Poland and the Baltic countries have made requests to withdraw Hungary’s presidency, but implementing this procedure could be a difficult and complex process.

What is Article 7 that is sought to be applied against Hungary?

Macaristan'a Karşı Uygulanması İstenen 7. Madde Nedir?

Article 7 of the EU Treaty is known as an important mechanism to ensure respect for the EU’s common values. This article makes it possible to impose sanctions on countries that violate the EU’s values.

Hungary’s Russia Visit Causes EU Crisis

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