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Gaza’s Destruction: Cities Now Graveyards


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Gaza’s Destruction Before Our Eyes

Gazze'deki Yıkımın Gözler Önünde

Louise shared a short video on social media, recording in Gaza City, showing the extent of the destruction in the area. In the video, it is clear that there is hardly a building left untargeted. The deserted and empty state of the streets, filled with rubble from the attacks, deeply affects the viewers.

It is almost impossible to find any signs of “life” on the streets of the city. In the images Louise captured on camera, not a single living creature can be seen. She summarizes this situation with the phrase “Cities are now graveyards.” Louise emphasized in her post that it has become extremely difficult to find a building in Gaza that has not been completely destroyed or targeted.

Louise shared an emotional message, drawing attention to the destruction in Gaza, saying, “Hundreds of thousands of homes and lives have been destroyed. The stories of children, mothers, fathers and even families are buried under the rubble. Cities are now graveyards.” ” These words once again reveal the depth of the humanitarian tragedy in the region.

Gazze'deki Yıkım: Şehirler Artık Mezarlık

Gaza’s Destruction: Cities Now Graveyards

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