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Friday Sermon – Piety and Islam


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This week, Friday prayers will be performed with a large turnout. The subject of the sermon prepared by the General Directorate of Religious Services was determined as “A Muslim is Pious.”

Honorable Muslims!

Muhterem Müslümanlar!

Dear congregation, in the verse we read this week, our Lord says: “O children of Adam! We have created for you garments to cover your private parts and garments to adorn yourself with, and the garment of piety is best. These are among the signs of Allah, that they may remember.” [A’raf, 7/26]. In the hadith we read, our Prophet (pbuh) says: “Humanity has learned a word on which all the prophets agreed from the first day: If you are not ashamed, then do whatever you wish!” [Bukhari, Adab, 78.].

Dear Believers!

My dear brothers, piety is to fear Allah properly. It means to turn to goodness and stay away from evil, and to protect oneself from all kinds of sins and sins. Piety means to live with the awareness that Allah sees us at all times and is aware of what we do.

Dear Muslims!

Piety makes our heart the center of goodness. It creates truth and beauty in our language. It directs our minds towards kindness, mercy and justice. Piety should also be reflected in our attire and we should protect the dignity of our bodies. Hijab is an important act of worship that is the adornment of every believer and a commandment of Allah.

Dear Believers!

Kıymetli Müminler!

Piety should also be reflected in our engagement, marriage and wedding ceremonies. Wedding celebrations should be held within the limits set by Islam and unnecessary expenses should be avoided. Marriage should be made easy and fruitful.

Dear Muslims!

Let us organize our lives by acting with the consciousness of piety. Let us attain happiness in this world and the hereafter by protecting our faith, good deeds and good morals. Let us ask our Lord for guidance, piety, chastity and wealth of the heart.

Let us end our prayers with the following prayer of our Prophet: “O Allah! I ask You for guidance, piety, chastity and wealth of the heart.” [Muslim, Dhikr, 72.]

Friday Sermon – Piety and Islam

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