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French Trade Unions’ Call to Macron and Their Criticism


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Call from CGT Cheminots Union to Macron

CGT Cheminots Sendikasından Macron'a Çağrı

The CGT Cheminots Union called on President Emmanuel Macron to respect the results of the ballot box. The union said Macron could not continue with his violent social and economic policies and called for “demonstrations in front of the governors and near the National Assembly on July 18” to demand the formation of a government made up of a leftist alliance. The union’s demands for reform also include the removal of the retirement age reform, wage increases and gender equality.

Call from the General Labor Union

Genel İş Sendikası'ndan Çağrı

General Labor Union Secretary General Sophie Binet said that people should be pressured to respect the election results and called for participation in the demonstrations on July 18. Binet said Macron’s latest letter had caused great anger in the country and warned that the country could fall into chaos if the election results were not respected.

Criticism from the Green Party

Sandrine Rousseau, a member of parliament from the Green Party, a partner in the leftist alliance, said that they were wasting time in forming a government and that the country was going through an unstable process. Rousseau said, “Not being able to form a government that weakens us on the ground.”

Warning from Senate President

Senate President Gerard Larcher said that he told Macron not to rush to choose a prime minister, and that Macron made a mistake by dissolving the Parliament and putting the country in a difficult situation. Larcher called for the government to be overthrown if a government consisting of the left alliance is formed.

Macron’s Statements

President Macron announced that he would not appoint a new prime minister and would wait until a stable majority was achieved. Macron’s stance following the early general elections, in which the New Popular Front won the most seats, caused different interpretations across the country.

French Trade Unions’ Call to Macron and Their Criticism

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