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Former ISI Chief Lt. Gen. Faiz Hameed Arrested in Pakistan


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Former ISI Chief Arrested and Court-Martialed in Pakistan

Former ISI Chief Arrested and Court-Martialed in Pakistan

The Pakistani military announced on Monday the arrest of Lt. Gen. Faiz Hameed, the former head of its premier intelligence agency, the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI). This unprecedented action marks the first instance in Pakistan’s history where a current or former chief of the ISI faces court-martial proceedings. Officials have indicated that the charges against General Hameed include corruption and political interference, which are seen as part of a broader crackdown on associates of the imprisoned former Prime Minister, Imran Khan.

General Hameed was appointed as the spy chief during Khan’s tenure, and his arrest signifies a significant shift in the military’s stance towards its former allies. According to a news release from the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR), the military’s media wing, disciplinary measures have been initiated against General Hameed under the Pakistan Army Act. The charges relate to a scandal dating back to 2017, involving a private housing development in Islamabad.

Officials allege that General Hameed and his brother attempted to seize control of the housing project by allegedly arresting and extorting the owner. These claims are detailed in the ongoing court proceedings. Additionally, the ISPR stated that General Hameed violated the Pakistani Army Act after his retirement in 2022, although the specific charges regarding this violation remain unspecified. Notably, the Army Act prohibits former officials from engaging in political activities for two years post-retirement.

The Inter-Services Intelligence is a powerful and influential institution within Pakistan, and General Hameed had become a prominent figure representing its formidable authority. His ambitions were notably intertwined with the political landscape, contributing to the ongoing crisis that has engulfed Pakistan over the last two years.

During his tenure at the ISI, General Hameed worked closely with Imran Khan, particularly in maneuvering for the position of army chief, which is arguably the most powerful role in Pakistan. The efforts to promote him to this esteemed position following Khan’s ascension to the premiership in 2018 led to significant tensions between Khan and the military, ultimately culminating in Khan’s ousting in 2022.

Former ISI Chief Lt. Gen. Faiz Hameed Arrested in Pakistan

Former ISI Chief Lt. Gen. Faiz Hameed Arrested in Pakistan

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