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  3. Floating Dock Project in Gaza Ended in Failure

Floating Dock Project in Gaza Ended in Failure


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The floating dock project, initiated by the USA under the guise of humanitarian aid, to provide support against the barbarity of the occupying power, which blocked Gaza and rained death upon it, failed. The pier, which was built with a budget of approximately 320 million dollars, was dragged into the sea several times due to technical problems and weather conditions, and was permanently dismantled and transported to Israel.

The pier project, which aims to bring aid to occupied Gaza, was used during Israel’s raid on the Nusyarat Refugee Camp. However, the US initiative also failed as Israel closed the border gates and prevented aid from entering.

An Embarrassment for Biden and the Washington Administration

Biden ve Washington Yönetimi İçin Utanç Kaynağı

Israeli media stated that it was an embarrassing situation for US President Joe Biden and the Washington administration after the failure of the floating dock project. It was stated that the scaffolding parts transported to Israel will be transferred to Ashdod Port and the repair process may take more than a week, according to the estimates of the US Department of Defense Pentagon.

Aid Did Not Reach Palestinians

Yardımlar Filistinlilere Ulaşmadı

Pentagon Deputy Spokesperson Sabrina Singh stated in a statement at the daily press briefing that the floating dock project could not carry out the planned aid operations. She said that the storage areas were close to being full because the humanitarian aid supplies brought to Gaza by the US Central Command could not be delivered to the Gazans.

Floating Dock Project in Gaza Ended in Failure

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