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  3. Fires That Broke Out at Two Separate Points in Akçadağ Have Been Taken Under Control

Fires That Broke Out at Two Separate Points in Akçadağ Have Been Taken Under Control


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The fires that broke out in the Gölpınarı and Karapınar neighborhoods of Malatya’s Akçadağ district were extinguished by firefighting teams.

Akçadağ'da İki Ayrı Noktada Çıkan Yangınlar Kontrol Altına Alındı

The cause of the fire that broke out in Gölpınarı Neighborhood has not yet been determined, but it was seen to spread rapidly due to the effect of the wind. Thanks to the rapid intervention of the fire crews, the fire was brought under control and prevented from spreading.

A fire broke out in Karapınar Neighborhood of Akçadağ. Fire crews immediately intervened in this fire and prevented it from spreading and extinguished it.

A detailed investigation has been launched into the incidents and the causes of the fires continue to be investigated.

Akçadağ'da İki Ayrı Noktada Çıkan Yangınlar Kontrol Altına Alındı

Fires That Broke Out at Two Separate Points in Akçadağ Have Been Taken Under Control

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