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Fight Between Motorcycle Groups in Kütahya


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M.Ü. (26) was wounded in the leg by a gun during a fight between members of two different motorcycle groups in KÜTAHYA. Two of the three suspects identified as coming from Eskişehir were caught and the fight was recorded on a security camera.

Kütahya'da Motosiklet Grupları Arasında Çıkan Kavga

The incident took place at night in Gaybiefendi District 2nd Nur Street. M.Ü., who is a member of a motorcycle group in Kütahya. (26) and FMÖ, a member of the motorcycle group in Eskişehir. (21), İ.Y. (20) and A.Ç. A fight broke out between (33). One of the suspects, A.Ç., shot M.Ü.’s leg with a gun. M.Ü., who was hit by two bullets in his leg. While A.Ç., FÖ. were injured. and İ.Y. He fled on foot. Thanks to the rapid intervention of the police teams in the region, FMÖ. and İ.Y. He was caught and taken into custody under close surveillance.

While the efforts to capture A.Ç., one of the suspects determined to have come from Eskişehir, continued, the injured M.Ü. was taken to Kütahya City Hospital for treatment after the first intervention of the medical teams that arrived at the scene upon notification. The fight was recorded by a workplace camera.

Kütahya'da Motosiklet Grupları Arasında Çıkan Kavga

Fight Between Motorcycle Groups in Kütahya

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