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Farmers Resume Hemp Production in Konya


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Farmers who set out with a cooperative established by a group of friends in the Çumra district of Konya observed that the hemp plant they brought into the soil after 80 years had grown to over 2 meters in length. It is thought that the production of hemp, which is used as a raw material in many sectors, can also be a solution to the water problem in the region by aiming to reduce agricultural expenses.

Hemp Cultivation and Water Problem

Kenevir Ekimi ve Su Sorunu

Mahmut Şenyüz, the Chairman of Çumra Anatolian Production and Marketing Cooperative, drew attention to the water problem in the region and stated that after establishing their cooperative, they applied to the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry for hemp cultivation. As a result of this step, hemp, which was cultivated in 19 provinces upon the instructions of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, was also allowed to be produced in Konya. Farmers restarted the production of 4 types of hemp in a 20-acre area. Şenyüz said, “The water problem is everywhere, as it is in our region. While looking for a solution to water, hemp came to our mind. We established the cooperative and started this business with our friends. At first, they made fun of “We are, but now we are successfully producing.”

Goals and Future Plans

Hedefler ve Gelecek Planları

Şenyüz stated that they continued their work rapidly after the establishment of the cooperative and said, “This year, we carried out the planting by conducting R&D studies. Our aim is to spread hemp planting to the Konya region and save water. We carried out the planting with the support of the Ministry of Agriculture. We preferred this direction because the product consumes little water. Our goal is to spread hemp planting throughout Konya.”

New Perspectives and Added Value

Stating that the hemp plant will be used in different areas, Çumra Anatolian Production and Marketing Cooperative Vice President Mustafa Özaydın said, “There is a possibility of using hemp in many different areas such as making houses from its stem. It offers farmers a low-cost and high value-added product. With hemp cultivation, it is aimed to increase agricultural diversity in the region and save water.”

Farmers Resume Hemp Production in Konya

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