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Events in Israel


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Nine Israeli soldiers were detained at the Sde Teiman military base for sexually abusing and torturing a young Palestinian. Following this incident, raids led by far-right groups and some ministers who support terrorism have caused concern across the country.

Raids Led by Far-Right Ministers

Far-right settlers, supported by National Security Minister Ben-Gvir and Finance Minister Ben Smotrich, carried out an armed raid on the Sde Teiman base, involving ministers and members of parliament, and creating serious chaos inside the military base.

Participation of the Lehava Movement and Other Fanatic Groups

Lehava Hareketi ve Diğer Fanatik Grupların Katılımı

The Lehava Movement, a far-right and fanatic group, also intervened in the events and supported the Sde Teiman base. The events became even more complicated under the influence of these groups.

Raiding Military Bases and Courts

Military bases and courts were also raided by far-right groups. This created an atmosphere of rebellion in the country and was liked to a military coup. The inadequacy of the police intervention also drew criticism.

Defense of Torture in Parliament

Scandalous statements by far-right MPs defending torture and legitimizing such practices drew attention during a session in the Israeli Parliament. This situation sparked political and moral debates in the country.

Defense and Investigation Processes

Savunma ve Soruşturma Süreçleri

Soldiers detained on charges of sexual harassment and torture are expected to appear before a judge. It is also stated that ministers and MPs involved in the incidents will be investigated. Decisions made during this process may lead to new developments in the country.

Events in Israel

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