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Economic Problems of Retirees During the Eid


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Pensioners’ Day was a sad time

Emekliler Bayramı Buruk Geçirdi

Retirees living in Osmaniye’s Sumbas district had a sad Eid al-Adha due to economic difficulties. While some retirees tried to make ends meet with the help of their children, others stated that they received the sacrifice in installments.

Voice of Pensioners: “Salary is Not Enough, What Should We Do During the Holidays?”

Emeklilerin Sesi:

Retired citizens stated that their salaries were not enough and they had difficulty making ends meet. Retirees who stayed at home during Eid al-Adha were kept away from the joy of the holiday due to insufficient salaries. He expressed the difficulties of retirees in a country where people buy and wear shoes with a salary of 10 thousand liras.

  • Retired Müttalip Karslıoğlu, while explaining the sacrifice he bought in 3 installments, said, “There is no money, how can we make ends meet? We cannot go anywhere during the holidays. How will we make ends meet? They eat the most luxurious meals “How can we make ends meet?” he said he
  • Retiree Arif Demiröven stated that he had difficulty giving pocket money to his grandchildren, the salary was not enough and he was worried about the future.
  • Retired Şemsettin Develi, who spent the holiday at home, drew attention to the difficulty of making ends meet without the support of his children.
Name and surnameDistrict of residencestatus
Müttalip KarslıoğluSumbasHe received the sacrifice in installments and stated that the salary was not enough.
Arif DemirdövenSumbasHe cannot give pocket money to his grandchildren because his pension is not enough.
Şemsettin DeveliSumbasHe shared the difficulties of making ends meet without the support of children.

Economic Problems of Retirees During the Eid

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