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Driver Injured in Truck Accident, Fruits Collected by Citizens


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Truck Driver Injured After Accident

Kaza Sonrası TIR Şoförü Yaralandı

Sinan D., the driver of a truck, was injured after being trapped in his cabin in an accident. Following the incident, health, fire and gendarmerie teams were immediately dispatched to the scene. Thanks to the dedicated efforts of the fire teams, Sinan D. was rescued from his cabin.

The injured driver was given first aid by medical teams at the scene. Sinan D. was then taken to hospital. It was learned that the driver’s health condition was good and that he was not in any danger to his life. It was reported that Sinan D. wanted the fruits to be collected by citizens after the accident.

TIR Kazasında Şoför Yaralandı, Meyveler Vatandaşlar Tarafından Toplandı

Citizens who arrived at the scene at the time of the accident took action to take the fruits from the overturned truck. Some citizens climbed on the crates and selected the undamaged fruits. The selected fruits were carried away in crates. In addition, some people were observed to fill the trunks of their cars with fruits.

While the investigation into the accident continues, the truck was removed from its location with the help of a tow truck that arrived at the scene. The incident continues to be carefully investigated by both locals and authorities.

Driver Injured in Truck Accident, Fruits Collected by Citizens

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