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DEVA Party Chairman Ali Babacan’s Congress Speech and Statements on the Economy


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DEVA Party Chairman Ali Babacan’s Congress Speech

DEVA Partisi Genel Başkanı Ali Babacan'ın Kongre Konuşması

DEVA Party Chairman Ali Babacan attended his party’s 2nd Ordinary Provincial Congress in Kocaeli. In addition to Babacan, the provincial administration, district heads and party members attended the congress held in a hotel in Izmit. In his speech at the congress, Babacan touched upon the “softening” and “normalization” processes between political parties. Babacan stated that, “The greetings made by the leaders of the country with the opposition leaders are described as ‘détente’ and talking about the issues of the country is called ‘normalization’, but these processes remain inclusive.”

Babacan also touched upon the trial process that will start tomorrow regarding the murder of former Ülkü Ocakları Chairman Sinan Ateş. Babacan emphasized that “the Sinan Ateş case, which is a dark murder committed in Ankara, is a great test for the government and the decision to be taken in this case will judge not only the suspects, but also their conscience and humanity.”

Babacan also made statements about the economy and criticized the economic situation in Turkey. Making statements about interest policies and foreign exchange reserves, Babacan said, “Although we have one of the highest interest rates in the world, inflation is not under control and clear figures reflecting the real situation of foreign exchange reserves have not been announced.”

Babacan’s Statements on the Economy

Babacan'ın Ekonomiyle İlgili Açıklamaları

  • He stated that the interest rate applied by the Central Bank is the second highest in the world.
  • He emphasized that inflation is not under control and economic policies are not sustainable.
  • He stated that disclosing foreign exchange reserves in gross figures does not reflect the real situation and the net foreign exchange position is still negative.
  • He stated that the foreign currency coming to the country is short-term and comes to benefit from high interest rates.

Babacan’s Statements About the Sinan Ateş Case

  • He stated that the Sinan Ateş case is an important test for the government and the judicial system and that the decision to be taken will also judge the consciences.
  • He emphasized that the trial regarding the murder of Sinan Ateş is important in terms of groupings and crises within the judiciary.

DEVA Party Chairman Ali Babacan’s Congress Speech and Statements on the Economy

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