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Crude Oil Discovery Off Rize


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Oil Discovery Off the Rize Coast

Rize Açıklarında Petrol Keşfi

Gümüşhane University Faculty of Natural Sciences Geological Engineer and Department Head Prof. Dr. Nafiz Maden sent the layer samples taken from the sea surface approximately 7 miles off the Çayeli district of Rize to the Turkish Petroleum Corporation (TPAO). As a result of detailed analyzes conducted by TPAO, it was determined that the liquid leaking to the sea surface was crude oil.

Minister of Energy and Natural Resources Alparslan Bayraktar had previously announced that a comprehensive search would be conducted off the coast of Rize. Two days ago, the Abdulhamid Han drilling ship set off for Rize to conduct natural gas and oil exploration in the Black Sea. Prof. Dr. Maden stated that if oil is found in Çayeli, Rize will be remembered not only for tea but also for oil.

Rize Açıklarında Ham Petrol Keşfi
“We Will Extract Oil as Soon as Possible”

Prof. Dr. Nafız Maden expressed hope for the extraction of oil and said, “We were criticized for some statements we made in the past. It was said that ‘these leaks only come to the agenda during election periods’. However, the research conducted shows that these Leaks existed even during the Ottoman period. There is information that oil exploration activities were carried out off the coast of Çayeli in 1933. In 1958, British research companies conducted detailed examinations in this region. In light of this data, we investigated whether there was oil off the coast of Çayeli. We took samples during this process and had these samples analyzed by the R&D unit of the Turkish Petroleum Corporation. As a result, we proved the existence of a natural oil source here. made statements that oil exploration would be carried out. However, drilling activities should be started as soon as possible. We think that we will extract this oil as soon as possible.”

“Rize Will Be Remembered Not Only for Its Tea, But Also for Its Oil”

Prof. Dr. Maden emphasized that the oil to be extracted will make great contributions not only to Rize but also to Turkey, and said, “Oil will make significant contributions not only to Rize but also to our country. The entire energy sector is dependent on foreign sources. When we extract oil and process and refine it, there will be a significant decrease in the amount of foreign currency paid abroad. Maybe this region will not be like Kuwait, it will not reach the level of Saudi Arabia, but it will play. An important role in reducing our energy dependency. In this way, our country will give less foreign currency to the outside. As is known, Rize is also known for its dry beans. is extracted, Rize will be known not only for its tea but also for its oil.”

Crude Oil Discovery Off Rize

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