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Condolence Ceremony for Ismail Haniyeh and Developments in Palestine


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Condolence Ceremony for Ismail Haniyeh

Hamas Political Bureau Chairman Ismail Haniyeh, who lost his life as a result of an assassination in Tehran, the capital of Iran, was commemorated in condolence tents organized in Doha, the capital of Qatar. Haniyeh’s family and comrades accepted the condolences. Abdusselam Haniyeh, who approached his father’s martyrdom with great pride, made assessments to Yeni Şafak, which followed the funeral. Son Haniyeh said, “We are people who are always ready for martyrdom. “When we heard of our father’s death, we thanked Allah.”

We knew he would be a martyr

Abdusselam Haniyeh, who stated that his father always desired martyrdom, said, “This moment means the realization of his wish to be a martyr. He became the last link in the chain of martyrs. “We had a belief that my father’s worldly life would end with martyrdom.” Haniyeh also emphasized that they wanted to take his father’s body to his own land when Palestine was liberated: “After Palestine is liberated, we want my father’s grave to be in our own land. Palestine will soon be free and we will bury my father, who devoted himself to the Palestinian cause, in Jerusalem.”

Israel Supporters Lose

İsrail'i Destekleyenler Kaybetti

Hamas Turkey Representative Musa al-Akkari stated that Israel was the gendarmerie of the Middle East before October 7, but that this perception has now completely changed. Stating that the world in general understood that Israel was not an invincible army on October 7, al-Akkari said, “The US and many other Western countries provided all kinds of support to Israel. However, as a result, Israel caused its own destruction and the defeat of its supporters. The leaders of countries such as England, France and Germany who supported Israel were not successful. They lost their supporters one by one. Now it is Netanyahu’s turn.”

It Does Not Affect Our Relations With Iran

Noting that Gaza is not only at war with Israel but also with the world, al-Akkari said, “Before the Al-Aqsa Flood, no politician was showing interest in what was happening in Palestine in world assemblies. However, now Palestine has become an issue that everyone pays attention to and defends.” Referring to the Haniyeh assassination, al-Akkari said that the assassination taking place in Iran would not affect relations: “Our relationship with Iran is good and will be even better. The fact that this assassination took place in Tehran will not affect our relationship.”

Türkiye Did Not Leave Us Alone

Türkiye Bize Yalnız Bırakmadı

Abdusselam Haniyeh thanked the Turkish people and state administrators and said, “They became our friends and brothers. The noble stance of the Turkish state and people has always stood by the Palestinian people. We saw this stance very clearly when Ismail Haniyeh was alive and when he passed away. Turkey will always remain strong as the greatest supporter of the cause of Palestine and Jerusalem, God willing. I would like to express my gratitude to the Turkish people who took to the streets and performed the funeral prayer in absentia for Haniyeh. I would also like to thank President Erdoğan very much. He called us the moment he heard the news and sent a large delegation from Turkey to the funeral prayer. “He never left us alone.”

There will be no vacancy in the leadership team

Hamas Turkey Representative al-Akkari, who stated that President Erdoğan provided significant diplomatic support to Hamas, said, “Especially Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan is closely interested in the issue. Frankly, Fidan is working like the Palestinian Foreign Minister; Even the Palestinian Foreign Minister does not make this much effort. The Turkish government is giving us serious support. We thank the Turkish government. The council will meet soon after Haniyeh’s martyrdom. There will be no gap, our leadership team is extremely strong. The situation of our mujahideen on the ground is quite good, we have a very solid structure. If Netanyahu continues this war, we will continue on the ground, we are ready for anything. We will make new decisions soon.”

Condolence Ceremony for Ismail Haniyeh and Developments in Palestine

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