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Commemoration Ceremony on the 7th Anniversary of Martyr Eren Bülbül


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Martyr Eren Bülbül’s Commemoration Ceremony

Şehit Eren Bülbül'ün Anma Töreni

Fifteen-year-old Eren Bülbül, who was martyred in a heated encounter with members of the separatist terrorist organization in the rural Maçka district of Trabzon on August 11, 2017, was commemorated at his grave on the 7th anniversary of his martyrdom. His mother Ayşe Bülbül and siblings, as well as Trabzon Governor Aziz Yıldırım, Provincial Police Chief Murat Esertürk, Provincial Gendarmerie Commander Brigadier General Mustafa Erdem, Coast Guard Eastern Black Sea Group Commander Major Aytaç Bayırlı, Maçka District Governor Şahin Demir, Maçka Deputy Mayor Sedat Kongur and other officials attended the commemoration program at Bülbül’s grave in Köprüyanı Neighborhood.

Governor Yıldırım, in his speech here, reminding that 7 years have passed since the martyrdom of Eren Bülbül and said, “I once again offer my condolences on the seventh anniversary of the martyrdom of our son Eren Bülbül. My condolences to all of us. But we die once and are resurrected a thousand times. It is not annihilation. We know this like this, we believe this. “this like this and we pass this on to those who come after us like this.”

The Importance of the Martyrdom Place

Drawing attention to the importance of the martyrdom, Yıldırım said, “We know that martyrs will enter heaven after the prophets, God willing. This rank is so precious to us…” Drawing attention to the ruthless and heartless aspects of terrorism, Yıldırım said, “The murderers who were so desperate to shoot a 15-year-old child, then continue to shoot dozens of bullets at our non-commissioned officer Ferhat Gedik when he closed in on him to protect him. They were taken; they were given what they deserved anyway, but we are alone with two of our martyrs in memory of today. I would like to offer my condolences to the family of our martyr Ferhat Gedik on this occasion. We are commemorating the martyrdom of our brother Ferhat Gedik here. , God willing, along with our Eren Bülbül.”

Şehit Eren Bülbül'ün 7. Yıl Dönümünde Anma Töreni

The Value of the Homeland

Governor Yıldırım, who wished mercy upon all the martyrs, especially Martyr Eren Bülbül and Ferhat Gedik, said, “I wish patience to their families. Their martyrdom, their not being with us physically right now, is a bleeding wound inside us, but at “The same time, their martyrdom strengthens us and causes us to feed the feelings that express how precious these lands are and how much we need to protect them.”

Yıldırım emphasized that all of these lands were kneaded with the blood of martyrs and said, “There is martyr blood in every single soil of this homeland. Therefore, no one should hold back from doing their best and making sacrifices to protect these lands. We “all own these lands. I pray to God for mercy on all our ancestors who made these lands our home, who made them our homeland, who became martyrs and veterans on this path.”

We Stand With the Families of Martyrs

Stating that they are always with the families of martyrs and veterans, Governor Yıldırım said, “We would give our lives for these lands. We would not hesitate to gouge out the eyes of anyone who sets their eyes on these lands. We would do everything These lands are our lands. These lands are the homeland of the Republic of Turkey and we are the owners of these lands. I have very valuable brothers here who do these things with the love of duty and also with. “The love of the country. They are all ready to give their lives.”

Yıldırım, referring to the fact that Eren Bülbül is still 15 years old, said, “He has now flown to heaven, a martyr. Like a bird, an angel. What upsets us? His absence. What upsets our mother Ayşe, her siblings , elders, nephews? Eren Bülbül is not physically there, but we still believe that we are all together.”

Yıldırım, who pointed out that the youth should not forget the martyrs Eren Bülbül and Ferhat Gedik, concluded his speech as follows: “This state, this homeland, this country was not established easily. Its continuation will be possible only if our youth become conscious of this and understand it. We are trying to give this. Again, I pray to God for mercy on all our martyrs who died for this country, this state, this flag, this call to prayer, especially our Eren Bülbül and Ferhat Gedik. “I pray to God for healing for our veterans and the living. May the resting places of the deceased be in heaven and I pray for patience for the families of both our martyrs and veterans.”

Mother Ayşe Bülbül’s Emotional Statements

Mother Ayşe Bülbül also stated that she experienced emotional moments on her son’s anniversary and said, “Today is my son’s seventh anniversary. This is very painful for me.”

Thanking those who attended the commemoration program, Bülbül said: “Of course, it is a source of pride that so many people have come here. This pride lasts a lifetime in a person, but my pain is also great. Today is the most painful “Day for my child, I have no strength to speak, I have nothing to say. May God be pleased with so many people. Let’s say, may the homeland live long, I cannot find any words to say.”

After the reading of the Quran and prayers, Governor Yıldırım and mother Ayşe Bülbül laid carnations on Eren Bülbül’s grave.

In the same conflict, 41-year-old Gendarmerie Chief Master Sergeant Ferhat Gedik, the father of two who had thrown himself on top of Eren to protect him, was also martyred.

Commemoration Ceremony on the 7th Anniversary of Martyr Eren Bülbül

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