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Car Fire in Kirikkale


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A fire broke out in a moving car at the İş-Kur Intersection on Millet Boulevard in Kırıkkale at night. According to the information received, a citizen named Yasin Canyurt noticed flames coming out of the engine compartment of the Fiat brand car with the license plate 06 GHD 40, which he had just purchased from a showroom in the Sincan district of Ankara.

Details of the incident:

  • Yasin Canyurt pulled his vehicle to the side of the road and reported the situation to the 112 Emergency Call Center.
  • Fire crews arrived at the scene shortly after to extinguish the fire and carry out cooling efforts.
  • Investigations into the car revealed that the cause of the fire was the cables connected to the battery.
  • Police teams also took road safety measures at the intersection where the fire occurred.

“The car suddenly caught fire.”

Kırıkkale'de Otomobil Yangını

Describing the moment of the fire, driver Yasin Canyurt said, “I just bought the car from a showroom in Sincan, Ankara. We were told that the car had no problems, it was my guarantor. I took over the car and came to Kırıkkale “After arriving, the car suddenly caught fire. Two hours passed, we got gas and I was going to my house. After turning the corner here, the car suddenly caught fire.”

Kırıkkale'de Otomobil Yangını

Car Fire in Kirikkale

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