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Bosnia and Herzegovina Health Institutions Ready to Accept Wounded and Sick People from Gaza


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KCUS officials, who made the call through the Ministry of Civil Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina, announced that they are ready to accept people of all age groups who are injured or sick in Gaza.

Bosna Hersek Sağlık Kuruluşları Gazze'den Yaralı ve Hasta Kabulüne Hazır

KCUS Deputy Director General Hajrija Maksic , stated in a press conference regarding the issue that they do not yet have detailed information about the wounded in Gaza, but that the treatment and hospitalization of the wounded and patients who will come to their country will be provided. Maksic emphasized that all teams are ready for the wounded who may come from Gaza, and said, “Our employees have experience in war wounds. Accepting patients is our humanitarian and professional duty. As the people of Bosnia and Herzegovina, we empathize with the Palestinians “people more than any other people because many of us survived the war thanks to the help of other countries, and this makes us even more responsible to accept the wounded from Gaza.”

Deputy Director of Science and Education Discipline at KCUS Sanko Pandur , stated that their experience gave them a moral responsibility to help the Palestinian people. The authorities stated that services to other patients would continue without interruption and that accepting patients from Gaza would not cause any disruption in services provided to existing patients.

Bosna Hersek Sağlık Kuruluşları Gazze'den Yaralı ve Hasta Kabulüne Hazır

Bosnia and Herzegovina Health Institutions Ready to Accept Wounded and Sick People from Gaza

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