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AFAD President Memiş: Serious Damage Detected in the Building Where the Explosion Occurred


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AFAD President Okay Memiş conducted an investigation at the scene following the explosion in the Torbalı district of İzmir. As a result of the investigations, Memiş stated that serious damage was detected in the surrounding area, including the building where the explosion occurred.

AFAD Başkanı Memiş: Patlamanın Yaşandığı Binada Ağır Hasar Tespit Edildi

Some of the headlines from Memiş’s statements are as follows:

  • 9-10 injured people are in hospital and are expected to be discharged in the morning
  • Controlled entry and exit to buildings will be provided.
  • The gendarmerie provides security at the entrances of buildings.
  • The Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change teams conducted investigations
  • It was determined that the building where the explosion was heavily damaged.
  • Other investigations will continue in the morning.
  • He prayed for God’s mercy upon the citizens who lost their lives and wished a speedy recovery to the injured.

Following his statements, Memiş emphasized that AFAD stands by the citizens and is ready to provide all kinds of support.

AFAD Başkanı Memiş: Patlamanın Yaşandığı Binada Ağır Hasar Tespit Edildi

Source: Kadir ÖZEN- Tekin GÜRBULAK/ İZMİR

AFAD President Memiş: Serious Damage Detected in the Building Where the Explosion Occurred

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