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Acropolis is closed to visitors!


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According to the statement, the famous Acropolis, which includes the Parthenon Temple, was closed to visitors between 12:00 and 17:00 today due to extreme heat. Due to the effects of the desert temperatures, the air temperature is expected to reach 43 degrees.

Precautions Will Continue

Önlemler Devam Edecek

The measures taken in Greece due to the desert heat that has been going on for the last ten days will continue until the weekend. Special measures were taken to protect workers and the public. High temperature measures will be applied for workers in the public and private sectors.

Change in Working Hours

İş Saatlerinde Değişiklik

For three days, between 12:00 and 17:00, work outdoors in temperatures above 40 degrees will be stopped. On Wednesday and Thursday, work in the shipyards will be stopped above 38 degrees.

Penalty Action Will Be Applied

Employers who do not provide suitable conditions for their employees will be fined 2,000 euros for each employee. White-collar workers and civil servants will be able to benefit from the opportunity to work remotely in temperatures above 40 degrees.

Acropolis is closed to visitors!

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