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Visit to the Fire Zone from DEM Party Co-Chairmen


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AHMET ÜN (MARDİN) – DEM Party Co-Chairs Tülay Hatimoğulları and Tuncer Bakırhan accompanied them by examining the fire area between Diyarbakır and Mardin and making statements. In the statements made, it was emphasized that the region should be declared a disaster area immediately. While Hatimoğulları stated that the grievances of the people should be resolved urgently, Bakırhan stated that the cause of the fire should be investigated.

Call to Stand by the People

Halkın Yanında Olma Çağrısı

DEM Party Co-Chairmen shared the pain of the people after the disaster and emphasized the need to be in solidarity. While Tuncer Bakırhan stated that they would try to heal the wounds of the people together, Tülay Hatimoğulları drew attention to the importance of social solidarity. They also stated that they would follow up the incident and support the people of the region in the legal process.

Stating that, as the DEM Party, they will support the people of the region both in the legal process and in the context of social solidarity, Hatimoğulları said, “Our municipalities have already carried out their work with a great duty responsibility and the love of connecting people to life. We, too, are both in Ankara and in the region, in both central politics and local We will continue to stand by our valued people with all the efforts of our local governments, and the pain will decrease by sharing. “

DEDAŞ’s Responsibility and Solution Suggestions

DEDAŞ'ın Sorumluluğu ve Çözüm Önerileri

Stating that the investigation about the cause of the fire should be investigated, Bakırhan emphasized that DEDAŞ should urgently carry out maintenance and repair of the electricity networks in the region. Hatimoğulları, on the other hand, highlighted the responsibility of DEDAŞ and the ecological damage experienced in the region, listed the solution suggestions and pointed out the importance of social solidarity in this process.

Stating that social solidarity networks should come to the region, conduct investigations, prepare reports and increase solidarity with the public, Hatimoğulları said, “I thank all of you. Our condolences once again.”

Visit to the Fire Zone from DEM Party Co-Chairmen

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