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Detention Decision Continued at the Hearing


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It was decided to continue the detention of 17-year-old Timur Cihantimur, who fled to the USA after a fatal traffic accident in Istanbul and was captured in Boston upon Turkey’s extradition request, in the trial held the previous day regarding the extradition process.

Problems He Experienced at the Manson Youth Institute

Manson Gençlik Enstitüsü'nde Yaşadığı Sorunlar

Victoria Kelleher, one of Cihantimur’s lawyers, explained the problems her client experienced in the detention center called “Manson Youth Institute”. Kelleher explained in detail the conditions Cihantimur was exposed to here.

Skin Problems and Health Problems

Cilt Problemleri ve Sağlık Sorunları

Lawyer Kelleher conveyed Cihantimur’s skin problems and health problems to the court. Details about his client’s health condition were brought up at the hearing.

Psychological Effects and Demands

Cihantimur’s lawyer gave information about his client’s psychological state and the effects of prison conditions. Additionally, the applications made at the hearing regarding Cihantimur’s request for parole were discussed.

Note:For additional information and developments, detailed news sources can be consulted.

Detention Decision Continued at the Hearing

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