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Monkeypox Disease: Transmission Methods, Symptoms and Prevention Methods


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Monkeypox Disease and Its Impact on Global Health

Medical Park Karadeniz Hospital Chest Diseases Specialist Prof. Dr. Tevfik Özlü emphasized that the World Health Organization (WHO) declared an emergency for Monkey Pox disease. Özlü stated that the disease is not actually a new condition and has been detected in humans since 1970. He stated that this disease, which is especially common in the Central and Western regions of Africa, has started to spread around the world in recent years.

Özlü said, “According to research on the subject, the presence of this disease has been recorded in more than 75 countries as of now. Therefore, it is essential for countries outside Africa to take precautions to control this disease.” he said

Transmission Methods and Comparison with Covid-19

Stating that the latest developments have revived the Covid-19 pandemic in people’s minds, Özlü said, “Everyone is wondering, ‘Will we face a pandemic again? Will the restrictions start again?’ “However, I do not expect such a situation to occur because the Monkey Pox virus has very different characteristics than the Covid-19 virus,” he said.

Özlü stated that the ways of transmission of Monkey Pox are more difficult compared to Covid-19: “Covid-19 was a virus that could easily be transmitted through the air and by contact. However, Monkey Pox spreads mostly through skin contact and close contact.” . Skin rashes and “Contact with the fluid contained in these rashes plays an important role in the transmission of the disease.” “Although cases of transmission are generally seen during sexual intercourse, there is also a risk of transmission in situations such as contact with the patient’s skin or hugging.”

Mortality Rates and Healthcare in Africa

Reminding that the disease is treatable and recovery is usually achieved within 2-4 weeks, Özlü said, “Fatality rates are mostly seen in cases in Africa. Deaths have been reported between 1-6 percent. However, cases of death are quite rare in European cases. So far, worldwide “Around 600 deaths have been recorded, the majority of which are in Africa.” Özlü stated that this situation is mostly related to access to health services and the inadequacy of the health system in Africa.

Possibility of the Virus Mutating

Regarding a new variant that emerged in Europe and is claimed to be more lethal, Özlü said, “This variant is said to be more lethal, but there is no definitive information. Since the Monkey Pox virus is a DNA virus, it is very difficult.” for it to mutate and turn into a new variant. “Deadly variants like those of Covid-19 are not expected to emerge,” he said.

Symptoms and Contagiousness

Semptomlar ve Bulaştırıcılık

Symptoms of the disease include fever, malaise, weakness, muscle and joint pain, headache, swelling of the lymph nodes in the neck and skin rashes. Özlü said, “These rashes may burst over time and leave scars on the skin while healing. The rash is the most important finding in terms of the contagion of the disease. While it is necessary to avoid contact with patients with rashes, there is no definitive information yet on whether patients without rashes are contagious.” he said

Protection Methods and Hygiene Recommendations

Korunma Yöntemleri ve Hijyen Önerileri

Özlü said, “I do not expect a great pandemic chaos as in Covid-19, but it is a situation that requires caution. It is of great importance to detect and isolate the disease in departures from countries where the epidemic is seen. Patients must “be isolated for 21 days.” He warned.

Finally, drawing attention to the importance of hygiene and cleanliness, Özlü said, “Airplane seats must be cleaned after each use. Because if that seat is contaminated with rashes, there is a risk of spreading the disease. Hand hygiene, as always, plays A critical role in protecting against the disease. If we pay attention to these precautions, he said: “I don’t think we will have problems.”

Monkeypox Disease: Transmission Methods, Symptoms and Prevention Methods

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