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Vintage of War: Capturing Life in a Field Hospital


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By Nanna Heitmann and Eric Nagourney

In the midst of the conflict in eastern Ukraine, a scene unfolds at an old winery turned field hospital where Russian soldiers are brought for medical treatment. This captivating series of photographs delves into the stark reality of war and its impact on those involved.

Before the War: A Glimpse of the Past

Before the War: A Glimpse of the Past

The winery in Bakhmut, once a place where tourists enjoyed tastings of sparkling wine and admired intricate carvings, now stands as a stark contrast to its former glory. The tunnels, once bustling with visitors, now serve as a shelter for soldiers seeking medical care.

The Harsh Realities of Conflict

One striking image captures the moment a wounded soldier is rushed in for treatment. Amid the chaos of war, medics swiftly attend to his injuries, highlighting the urgency and intensity of the situation.

The setting, adorned with remnants of a festive past, now bears witness to the somber reality of warfare. Drawings and cards from children back home offer a glimpse of solace in an otherwise bleak environment.

A Glimmer of Hope

A Glimmer of Hope

Despite the darkness of war, moments of humanity shine through. The resilience of the soldiers, the dedication of the medical staff, and the gestures of support from afar paint a poignant picture of courage and compassion in the face of adversity.

Photography as a Testament to Resilience

Through the lens of photographers Nanna Heitmann and Eric Nagourney, the world is given a glimpse into the raw and unfiltered reality of conflict. Each image tells a story of pain, loss, and ultimately, the strength of the human spirit in the face of unimaginable circumstances.

Vintage of War: Capturing Life in a Field Hospital

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