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Sea Snail Hunting and Export


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In the summer, sea snails are an important source of income for fishermen, providing millions of dollars of foreign currency inflow to Turkey. Fishermen usually collect sea snails by diving instead of the prohibited algae. These collected snails are usually exported to the People’s Republic of China, South Korea, Japan, Taiwan and some European countries.

Sea Snail Hunting Techniques

Since the use of algarina, which scans the seabed during sea snail hunting, is prohibited, fishermen collect the snails by diving. Fisherman Erkan Acuner explains the situation as follows: “Since algarina is currently prohibited, it is removed by diving. Although the catch is currently small, sea snails are generally exported to Far Eastern countries and Europe.”

Sea Snail Hunting Details

Deniz Salyangozu Avı Detayları

  • Snails are often found at rock bottoms and where sand and rock meet.
  • Diving collection is carried out in different seas of Turkey, from Istanbul to İğneada and Hopa.
  • It is known that approximately 25 boats hunt snails in Trabzon. An average of 600-700 kilograms of snails can be collected daily.
  • While diving, current conditions and visibility are important. 3-4 people come together and collect the fish.
  • Although consumption of snails is low in Turkey, their shells are used in the cosmetic industry and their innards are exported as canned food.

Fisherman Erkan Acuner’s Views

Balıkçı Erkan Acuner'in Görüşleri

Fisherman Erkan Acuner made the following statements about snail hunting: “It is very difficult to collect by diving. Snail hunting differs between the Aegean and other seas. Snail consumption is low in Turkey, but it contributes to the economy by being exported.”

Sea Snail Hunting and Export

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