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30 Tons of Garbage Cleaned in Vişnelik Neighborhood


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Garbage Problem in Vişnelik Neighborhood

Vişnelik Mahallesi'nde Yaşanan Çöp Sorunu

Living on the second floor of an apartment building on Şehit Levent Ünbaş Street in the Vişnelik Neighborhood, Bülent K., 55, started collecting garbage and materials from the street in his house, claiming to be disabled. As the space in his apartment filled up over time, he started collecting garbage in his garage and the garden, which is the common area of ​​the apartment.

This situation has become a major source of discomfort for the residents of the surrounding neighborhood. Citizens who expressed their reactions to the bad smell and appearance reported the situation to the authorities. Odunpazarı Municipality took swift action upon the complaints of the citizens.

Vişnelik Mahallesi'nde 30 Ton Çöp Temizlendi

Municipal teams entered Bülent K.’s apartment with the help of a locksmith and removed approximately 30 tons of garbage. In accordance with the court order, the Odunpazarı Municipality Cleaning Services Directorate headed to the address with two trucks accompanied by police and municipal police teams. When asked to open the door, Bülent K. caused difficulty for the teams by claiming that he did not collect garbage. Thereupon, the apartment was entered with the help of a locksmith. The municipal teams entered the apartment, all of whose rooms were full of garbage, and with great difficulty removed approximately 30 tons of garbage from the address.

The same person had come to the last year with a similar situation. In 2022, the residents of the apartment complained to the prosecutor’s office because of the accumulation of garbage in his apartment. Following this complaint, on May 24, 2023, Odunpazarı Municipality teams cleaned the 140-square-meter apartment of approximately 50 tons of garbage. Due to the bad smell and health problems in the apartment, these cleaning efforts are expected to continue.

30 Tons of Garbage Cleaned in Vişnelik Neighborhood

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