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1,742 Tons of Aid Supplies Are Being Sent to Gaza


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1,742 Tons of Aid Supplies Are Being Sent to Gaza

Gazze için 1742 Ton Yardım Malzemesi Gönderiliyor

A total of 1,742 tons of aid, consisting of food, hygiene, clothing, shelter and health supplies, prepared by IHH (Human Rights and Freedoms Humanitarian Relief Foundation) and Kuwait Charity Organization, continues to be loaded onto the ship named “Legend Line” at Mersin International Port. This important organization has taken action to reach the people in difficult situations in Gaza.

AK Party Mersin Deputy Ali Kıratlı, in his speech at the program held at the port, emphasized that the genocide and massacres in Gaza have continued since October 7. Kıratlı stated that the world remained indifferent to this tragic event and that Turkey, under the leadership of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has always stood by Gaza. Kıratlı said, “We are determined to continue our struggle for Gaza. The issue of Palestine and Gaza is not only a matter of conscience for Muslims, but for all people in the world.”

Kıratlı continued his speech as follows: “Today, in the West and East, in every corner of the world, there are rallies and marches in support of the genocide taking place in Palestine. This nation will never forget those who applauded Netanyahu, who committed “a massacre in Gaza, in the US Senate.” Stating that Turkey will continue its struggle through legal means, Kıratlı stated that they will always be by Gaza’s side.

AK Party Adana Deputy Ahmet Zenbilci emphasized the importance of ending the oppression in Gaza as soon as possible. Saadet Party Hatay Deputy Necmettin Çalışkan emphasized that everyone should do their best for Gaza and that stopping the ongoing war there is of vital importance.

Gazze'ye 1742 Ton Yardım Malzemesi Gönderiliyor

IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation Secretary General Durmuş Aydın stated that they will continue to provide aid to Gaza, and said, “This ship you see is an example of solidarity among Muslim peoples around the world. As long as we display this solidarity among ourselves and continue “Our struggle, as long as we leave aside small issues and focus on important issues, we will not forget our brothers with Allah’s mercy.” Aydın added that IHH continues its intensive aid activities with its offices and employees in Gaza, and that hot meal distributions continue with the coordination of the United Nations.

Jamal Al Nouri, a member of the Kuwait Charity Association Board of Directors and Chairman of the Emergency Aid Commission, stated that they came together to not let the events in Gaza be forgotten. “We know that there are painful and dire situations in Gaza. We may not fully understand what they are feeling, but we must not forget them and must constantly remember them,” said Nouri.

Following the speeches, the participants inspected the ship after the prayers were made. After the ship preparations are completed, she will depart for Jordan and from there, the aid supplies will be delivered to Gaza.

1,742 Tons of Aid Supplies Are Being Sent to Gaza

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