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World Turkish Business Council Stuttgart Meeting


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The World Turkish Business Council (DTİK) met with Stuttgart’s leading business people of Turkish origin, representatives of non-governmental organizations and members of the press at the Mercure City Hotel on Friday, June 28. At the meeting, it was emphasized that DTİK’s role in Turkey-Germany relations and that it is a large platform consisting of business people of Turkish origin abroad.

At the meeting, which was also attended by Stuttgart Consul General Makbule Koçak Kaçar and Trade Attaché Oya Demirkan, DTİK Germany Representative Kemal Şahin stated that DTİK aims to contribute to the development of the Turkish society and said, “DTİK is a platform that brings Turkish “business people together and focuses on the strengthening of the Turkish society.”

DTİK’s Goals and Activities

  • DTİK aims to contribute to the development of Turkish-German economic relations.
  • It aims to defend the interests of Turkish business people living in Germany.
  • The youth plans to reach different segments of society with the DTİK and Friends of Türkiye projects.
  • It supports the development of the Turkish business community in Germany.

DTİK’s Comprehensive Network

DTİK'in Geniş Kapsamlı Ağı

Stating that there are representatives from more than 90 countries in DTİK, Şahin said, “DTİK strengthens trade and investment relations by bringing together business people from Turkey and different parts of the world. DTİK members can be informed about business and career opportunities in different countries and have access to a wide information network.” “can provide access,” he said.

Message from DTİK Stuttgart City Representative

DTİK Stuttgart City Representative Hakan Balcılar, who hosted the meeting, said, “DTİK offers a platform where Turkish business people can come together and create strong collaborations. We aim to support economic growth and become stronger by working together.”

Message of Support from the Consul General in Stuttgart

Stuttgart Başkonsolosu'ndan Destek Mesajı

Stuttgart Consul General Makbule Koçak Kaçar touched upon the importance of the contributions made to Turkey and Germany and said, “I believe that we can increase the effectiveness of the Turkish society with the work of DTİK. We can achieve good things together.”

World Turkish Business Council Stuttgart Meeting

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