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The Srebrenica Genocide and Painful Memories


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The relatives of those who were martyred by the Serbs in the genocide that took place in the city of Srebrenica during the Bosnian War on July 11, 1995, still remember the painful moments they experienced. Although 29 years have passed since the genocide, what happened during those days is not forgotten.

Jasmin Besic, who was 16 years old when the genocide took place in Srebrenica, left the region wearing women’s clothing and learned years later that her father had been martyred in the genocide. Besic described her experiences in Bratunac before the war and stated that she and her family took refuge in Srebrenica, where they saw safety.

Besic, who stated that more than 90 thousand people took refuge in Srebrenica to escape the attacks of the Serbs, described the horrific events of those days with the following words: “Srebrenica was like a camp without iron walls. Horrible things happened there, crimes were committed constantly. Children, young people were killed, and no distinction was made in this regard.”

Separated from his father, Besic tried to reach safety by going to the Potocari region and chose to wear women’s clothes to escape the genocide. Reaching the safe zone by bus, Besic stated that he felt like he was reborn when he encountered Bosnian soldiers.

It is known that 8,372 Bosnian men were martyred in the Srebrenica genocide. The International Court of Justice has described the events in and around Srebrenica as “genocide.” To date, more than 1,000 bodies of missing victims have not been found in the Potocari Memorial Cemetery, where 6,751 victims have been buried.

It is stated that on the 29th anniversary of the genocide, 14 more victims will be buried in the Potocari Memorial Cemetery, with the identification of their identities and the approval of their families.

Srebrenitsa Soykırımı ve Acı Dolu Hatıralar

Information on the Number of Victims

Kurban Sayısına İlişkin Bilgiler

Mass Graves150 Different Points
  • Fourteen of the genocide victims whose identities have been determined and whose families have given their approval will be buried on July 11.

The Srebrenica Genocide and Painful Memories

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