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The Accelerated Presidential Campaign of Kamala Harris


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The Fast-Paced Nature of Presidential Campaigns

The Fast-Paced Nature of Presidential Campaigns

Presidential campaigns typically follow a well-established rhythm. By late spring, candidates are usually identified, and they receive their nominations at conventions during the summer months. The fall campaign traditionally ignites on Labor Day, marking a shift in public focus to the candidates after months of groundwork. However, this election cycle is markedly different.

The unexpected ascent of Kamala Harris to the forefront of the Democratic ticket, replacing President Biden, has transformed what was anticipated to be a lengthy and arduous campaign between Biden and former President Donald J. Trump into a rapid, intense race that spans just 100 days leading up to Election Day. This election cycle is unfolding at a breakneck pace, with key components such as selecting a vice-presidential candidate, organizing the convention, debating strategies, producing television advertisements, and formulating campaign strategies all occurring in a matter of weeks rather than the customary months.

As early as mid-September, voters in critical battleground states like Pennsylvania will begin casting their ballots, adding urgency to the campaign.

Analysts from both sides of the political spectrum suggest that this accelerated timeline may work to Ms. Harris’s advantage. Her campaign is poised to harness a surge of momentum, aiming to bypass some of the intense scrutiny and in-depth policy discussions that candidates typically face on their journey to nomination. This situation has left Mr. Trump scrambling to adapt to a significantly different opponent.

“A shorter campaign gives a considerable advantage to Harris,” stated Matthew Dowd, who famously served as the chief campaign strategist for President George W. Bush in 2004. He emphasized that Republicans have spent years launching relentless attacks against Mr. Biden, and previously against Hillary Clinton, leading to a scenario where “by the time Labor Day arrives, the nominee is firmly established.”

The Accelerated Presidential Campaign of Kamala Harris

“This is not the case with Harris,” he added.

The compressed campaign timeline has already compelled the Trump campaign to jettison months of meticulous planning and to recalibrate in response to a radically different contender: an energetic, 59-year-old Black and South Asian woman whose candidacy has undeniably invigorated a previously dispirited Democratic base.

The Accelerated Presidential Campaign of Kamala Harris

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