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The 98th Anniversary of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk’s Visit was Celebrated in Urla


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The 98th anniversary of the visit of the founder of our Republic, Great Leader Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, to Urla was celebrated with enthusiasm with a cortege march and ceremony. The celebration program started with a crowded cortege march from Mustafa Kemal Pasha Street to Cumhuriyet Square. The historical importance of Urla was emphasized in the ceremony, which continued with the presentation of wreaths to the Atatürk Monument and other activities.

Urla Mayor, Senior Architect Selçuk Balkan, stated the following in his speech, indicating the meaning and importance of the day: “Today is one of the most meaningful and honorable days in the history of Urla. It is the day that Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk “, who founded the Republic of Turkey, a secular, democratic, social state governed by the rule of law, set foot on these ancient lands. Urla is proud to have hosted the leader of the century 98 years ago.”

Urla'da Mustafa Kemal Atatürk'ün Ziyaretinin 98. Yıl Dönümü Kutlandı

Balkan continued his speech as follows: “We are enlightened by Atatürk’s revolutions and chart our path with his teachings. As Urla, we protect the founding values ​​​​of our Republic. We continue to work determinedly for the prosperity of Urla.”

Urla'da Mustafa Kemal Atatürk'ün Ziyaretinin 98. Yıl Dönümü Kutlandı

While Atatürk’s visit to Urla holds an important place in the history of the district, this meaningful day will continue to be celebrated with enthusiasm every year with celebratory events.

The 98th Anniversary of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk’s Visit was Celebrated in Urla

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