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Tensions in Deir ez-Zor: Attacks Between US and Iran-Backed Groups


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Tensions Rising in Deir Ezzor

Deyrizor'da Gerilim Tırmanıyor

According to information obtained by AA from local sources, Iranian-backed groups positioned on the western bank of the Euphrates River in the Syrian city of Deir ez-Zor launched a rocket attack on the Koniko Gas Plant belonging to US forces. The smoke rising from the area following the attack reveals the seriousness of the incident. However, it is not yet clear whether there were any casualties in this attack.

Meanwhile, US-led coalition warplanes carried out airstrikes on military targets belonging to Iranian-backed groups in the east of Deir ez-Zor province and around the town of Hashsham. Such operations have the potential to affect the balance of power in the region.

Located on the east side of the Euphrates River, the Deir ez-Zor lands are under the control of the US-backed terrorist organization PKK/YPG. On the other hand, the Assad regime and Iranian-backed groups that dominate the city center and rural areas aim to protect these strategic areas.

While this complex situation in Syria has serious effects on the local population, the way international forces intervention is also being carefully monitored. Attacks stand out as an important factor threatening stability in the region.

Deyrizor'da Gerilim: ABD ve İran Destekli Gruplar Arasındaki Saldırılar

Tensions in Deir ez-Zor: Attacks Between US and Iran-Backed Groups

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