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TBMM General Assembly and Committee Agendas


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Agenda of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey

TBMM Genel Kurulu Gündemi

The General Assembly of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey will begin discussing the proposed law containing regulations in the field of transportation as of Tuesday, July 2. On the agenda is the Bill on Amendments to the Turkish Civil Aviation Law and Some Laws and Decree Laws .

Some of the issues to be discussed at the General Assembly:

  • Determination of anchorage fee schedule
  • Pilotage and tugboat services during passage through the Bosphorus and Dardanelles Straits
  • Aviation security measures

Teaching Profession Law Proposal Agenda

Discussions on the Teaching Profession Law Proposal will begin at the National Education, Culture, Youth and Sports Commission. According to the proposal, the National Education Academy will be established and preparatory training for teaching profession qualifications will be organised.

Some details in the Teaching Profession Bill:

  • Payment to teacher candidates
  • Appointment of contracted teachers to the staff
  • Situations that will end teaching

Commission Agenda

Komisyon Gündemi

Specialized commissions will meet and discuss the issues on the agenda. The Petition Commission will evaluate the objections to the decisions of the Presidency. The Minister of Internal Affairs will inform the Commission on Equal Opportunities for Men and Women.

Commission agenda
İliç Mine Accident Investigation Commission Presentations on mining topics
Group Meetings Work of parliamentary groups

TBMM General Assembly and Committee Agendas

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