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Taliban’s Ban on Opium Poppy Cultivation and Its Effects


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Taliban Bans Opium Poppy Cultivation

In April 2022, the Taliban announced that it was banning opium poppy cultivation in Afghanistan. It remains to be seen what impact this decision will have on opioid use in Europe.

Changes in Opium and Methamphetamine Production

Afyon ve Metamfetamin Üretimindeki Değişiklikler

After the Taliban took over the country in August 2021, opium poppy cultivation increased by almost a third in 2022. However, projections for 2023 show a significant decrease in the area under cultivation. Measures to reduce methamphetamine production may have also contributed to the decline in this type of drug production.

UNODC’s Research Results

According to research by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), opium poppy cultivation in Afghanistan decreased by approximately 95 percent after the ban was implemented in April 2022. This situation also caused a major decrease in opium supply in the country.

YearOpium Production Area (hectares)Opium Quantity (tons)

Significant Human Consequences

Önemli İnsani Sonuçlar

The sharp decline in opium cultivation has had immediate humanitarian consequences for rural communities that rely on opium cultivation as farmers’ incomes have been drastically reduced, affecting economic balances in the region.

Remarks by UNODC Executive Director Ghada Waly

UNODC Executive Director Ghada Waly said the ban on opium cultivation offers significant opportunities for long-term results, and stressed that the people of Afghanistan must be supported in this process.

Conclusion and Recommendations

Changes in drug production in Afghanistan are having both local and global impacts, highlighting the need to increase treatment capacity, strengthen harm reduction strategies, and take more effective measures to combat synthetic opioids.

Taliban’s Ban on Opium Poppy Cultivation and Its Effects

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