Tag: Stephane Dujarric

Islamic World

Statements from UN Spokesperson Dujarric on Israel’s War Tactics and Vaccination Program

UN Spokesperson Dujarric made important statements about Israel’s war tactics and vaccination program. This article discusses Dujarric’s comments and their impact on the international community.


UN Spokesperson Makes Statements on Gaza

The United Nations Spokesperson made statements regarding the latest situation in Gaza, emphasizing that the international community must take action to resolve the humanitarian crisis.

Islamic World

UN Spokesperson Stephane Dujarric Makes Statements at Press Conference

UN Spokesperson Stephane Dujarric made important statements at the latest press conference. Click here for detailed information about the information Dujarric conveyed.

Islamic World

UN Spokesperson Stephane Dujarric Press Conference

Learn about the statements and current issues at the press conference held by UN Spokesperson Stephane Dujarric. Detailed information about the latest developments from the UN is here.

Islamic World

UN Spokesperson Stephane Dujarric Assessed the Situation in Gaza

UN Spokesperson Stephane Dujarric assessed the latest situation in Gaza and called on the international community to take action. He emphasized that important steps must be taken to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict through peaceful means.

Islamic World

BM Sözcüsü Stephane Dujarric’ten Gazze Açıklaması

BM Sözcüsü Stephane Dujarric, Gazze’deki son gelişmeler hakkında açıklamalarda bulundu. Dujarric’in Gazze ile ilgili görüşleri ve BM’nin tutumu.

Islamic World

BM Sözcüsü Stephane Dujarric’ten Filistinli Sivillere Yönelik İhlallere Tepki

BM Sözcüsü Stephane Dujarric, Filistinli sivillere yönelik ihlallere sert bir şekilde tepki gösterdi. Dujarric’in açıklamaları, Filistin’deki durumu uluslararası arenada gündeme getirdi.

Islamic World

BM Sözcüsü Stephane Dujarric’den Gazze’deki Durum Hakkında Açıklamalar

BM Sözcüsü Stephane Dujarric, son açıklamalarında Gazze’deki durumu değerlendirdi. Dujarric, insan hakları ihlallerini kınayarak uluslararası toplumu harekete geçmeye çağırdı.


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