Tag: Somalia


The Solution Process of the Crisis Between Ethiopia and Somalia: The Second Round of Ankara Process Talks Have Been Completed

The resolution process of the crisis between Ethiopia and Somalia is moving a step forward with the second round of talks in the Ankara process. Discover this important development for peace prospects and cooperation in the region.


The Crisis Between Somalia and Ethiopia is Being Solved with the Ankara Process

The Ankara Process stands out as an important step to resolve the crises between Somalia and Ethiopia. Learn about the details of diplomatic initiatives and peace efforts in the region.


Conflict Between Ethiopia and Somalia: Turkey’s Mediation Efforts

An in-depth examination of the roots and consequences of the conflict between Ethiopia and Somalia. Learn about Turkey’s mediation efforts to resolve this historic conflict and its contributions to peace in the region.

Islamic World

Diplomatic Talks Between Ethiopian and Somali Delegations in Turkey

The diplomatic meetings held by Ethiopian and Somali delegations in Turkey are considered an important step towards contributing to regional cooperation and peace processes. Read our article for details.


Turkish Armed Forces to Serve in Somalia

The Turkish Armed Forces will serve to support peace and contribute to humanitarian aid activities in Somalia. Turkey’s international support and aid continues.


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