Tag: Ministry of National Education


New Regulations for Transition to MEB Open Education High Schools

Discover the new regulations regarding the transition to MEB Open Education High Schools. Shape your future by getting information about education opportunities, application process and details of the changes.


New Era in Vocational Education and Ahi Movement

The New Era in Vocational Education and the Ahi Movement aim to strengthen the workforce and encourage entrepreneurship by combining traditional values ​​with modern education methods. Discover the ways of innovation in vocational education with the Ahi culture.


Education of Distinguished Figures with the New Curriculum

With the New Curriculum, Eminent Persons Education aims to raise future leaders by prioritizing the character development and values ​​of individuals. Discover this program full of innovative approaches and effective methods in education.


Ministry of Education Announced Teachers’ Relocation Results

MEB (Ministry of National Education) announced the results of teachers’ reassignment. Teachers’ appointment results and reassignment details are here!


MEB Teacher Reassignment Applications

Application process and details for MEB teachers’ relocation requests. Get information about the appointment, change and relocation processes of teachers.


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