Tag: Ministry of National Defense

Islamic World

Türkiye-Japan Diplomacy and Maritime Security Cooperation

Diplomatic relations between Turkey and Japan are further strengthened by cooperation in the field of maritime security. This content examines the strategic partnership of the two countries and their efforts to enhance maritime security.

Islamic World

Statement from the Ministry of National Defense on Combating Terrorism

The Ministry of National Defense made important statements about counter-terrorism strategies and current developments. Explore our content for details on security policies, operational activities and international cooperation.

Middle East

MSB: 7 Terrorists Neutralized

7 terrorists were neutralized in operations conducted by the Ministry of National Defense (MSB). Peace was established in the region with the successful intervention of security forces.

Middle East

PKK Terrorists Neutralized

PKK terrorists were neutralized in an operation carried out by the Turkish Armed Forces. Peace was established in the region with the successful struggle of the security forces.

Middle East

MSB Announces Operations

The Ministry of National Defense (MSB) announced its latest operations! Click for current military developments, operation details and more.

Middle East

Successful Operation Against Terrorists by the Ministry of National Defense

The operation carried out by the Ministry of National Defense achieved great success against terrorists. Click now for details!

Middle East

Statement of the Ministry of National Defense on Combating Terrorism

Detailed information about the latest statements and strategies of the Ministry of National Defense regarding the fight against terrorism. Effective policies to combat terrorist organizations.


Ministry of National Defense Reacts Strongly to Greece

The Ministry of National Defense reacted harshly to the recent events in Greece. In this process where tensions between the two countries are increasing, Turkey’s position is a matter of curiosity.

Middle East

MoD: 11 PKK Terrorists Neutralized in Northern Iraq

In an operation carried out by the Ministry of National Defense (MSB) in Northern Iraq, 11 PKK terrorists were neutralized. Click for details.


Statements from the Ministry of National Defense and the Minister of Foreign Affairs on the Risk of World War

The Ministry of National Defense and the Minister of Foreign Affairs made statements about the risk of world war. The evaluations of senior officials reflect the latest situation in international relations.


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