Tag: Mazıdağı


Two Sisters Were Sent Off on Their Final Journey Side by Side

There were emotional moments as the two sisters, who were very close to each other, were sent off on their final journey. This journey that the two sisters took side by side deeply touched the audience.


Mardin’in Mazıdağı’nda Anız Yangınında Hayatını Kaybeden 8 Vatandaş Toprağa Verildi

Mardin’in Mazıdağı’nda meydana gelen anız yangınında hayatını kaybeden 8 vatandaşın cenazesi toprağa verildi. Acı olayın ardından şehitler dualarla uğurlandı.


Citizens Who Lost Their Lives in the Mazıdağı Stubble Fire Were Buried

Our citizens who lost their lives in the Mazıdağı stubble fire were sent off to their final journey. Details about the funeral ceremony for our buried citizens are here.


Çınar ve Mazıdağı İlçelerinde Anız Yangını

Çınar ve Mazıdağı ilçelerinde anız yangınıyla ilgili güncel haberler ve bilgiler. Anız yangınlarına karşı alınan önlemler ve son durum hakkında detaylı bilgi.


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