Tag: Izmir Metropolitan Municipality


Statement on Izmir Metropolitan Municipality Social Service Compensation

Izmir Metropolitan Municipality provides a detailed explanation about the social service compensation it provides to its employees. Learn about the municipality’s social service policies with information presented with an institutional approach.


Izmir Metropolitan Municipality Continues Eid-al-Adha Cleaning Works

Izmir Metropolitan Municipality continues to protect the public’s health and the environment with the cleaning works it carries out meticulously throughout the city during Eid al-Adha. He continues to work selflessly for the welfare of the society.


Special Bread Production at Izmir Metropolitan Municipality Public Bread Factory

Izmir Metropolitan Municipality Public Bread Factory brings together quality and taste with special bread production. Special breads, meticulously produced in modern facilities, appeal to the taste of the city. Meet the special productions of Halk Bread Factory, the pride of Izmir.


Izmir Metropolitan Municipality Road and Pavement Repairs

Izmir Metropolitan Municipality continues to repair roads and sidewalks throughout the city. Road and pavement regulations improve the aesthetics and transportation of the city and prioritize the comfort of citizens.


Izmir Metropolitan Municipality Continues to Support Stray Animals

Izmir Metropolitan Municipality maintains its understanding of social responsibility by continuing to support homeless animals. The municipality, which continues its work for animal welfare and city aesthetics with determination, focuses on protecting life.


Support for Stray Animals

Are you ready to support homeless animals? As part of our corporate responsibilities, we can act together to protect and support homeless animals. Take a step to contribute to this valuable project.


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