Tag: families


Families Organized a March in the 85th Week of the Child Watch

In the 85th week of the Child Watch, families organized a march to keep the memory of their lost children alive and to demand justice. Unity and solidarity were at the forefront of this meaningful event.

Middle East

Families of Prisoners Criticize Negotiations with Hamas

The families of the prisoners have harshly criticized the negotiations with Hamas. Details in our news.


Protests by Families in İpekyolu District for Their Children

Families in İpekyolu District are coming together for their children and carrying out an important action. This impressive action aims to raise awareness in society.


Families’ Demands for Justice After the Accident

It addresses the families’ demands for justice after the accident, their trust in the legal system, and calls for redress for grievances. Information on the search for justice and the process of seeking rights is here.


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