Tag: Congress

Islamic World

Palestinian Supporters React at Democratic Party Convention

At the Democratic Party Convention, supporters of Palestine reacted to the inadequacy of policies towards Palestine and the lack of support. The discussions at the Congress once again highlighted the importance of the Palestinian issue.

Islamic World

Pro-Palestinian Demonstrations at Democratic Party Convention

The demonstrations in support of Palestine at the Democratic Party Congress resonated in the international political arena. The support of the participants led to enthusiastic discussions on the importance of the Palestinian issue and possible solutions.


HUDA PAR 5th Regular Grand Congress

Detailed information about the decisions taken and evaluations made at the 5th Regular Grand Congress of HUDA PAR. Important information about the party’s future goals and strategies.


Saadet Party 3rd Extraordinary Grand Congress Date Change

Important information and updates regarding the date change of the 3rd Extraordinary Grand Congress of the Saadet Party. Details of the congress date change announced for party members and supporters are here.


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