Tag: Alparslan Bayraktar


Minister of Energy and Natural Resources Bayraktar Announced the Send-Off of the Abdülhamid Han Drilling Ship to Its Black Sea Mission

Minister of Energy and Natural Resources Bayraktar announced the departure of the Abdulhamid Han drilling ship for its mission in the Black Sea. This important step draws attention as a major development in terms of Turkey’s energy independence and marine exploration.


Statement from Energy Minister Alparslan Bayraktar

Detailed information about the latest statements of Energy Minister Alparslan Bayraktar and developments in the energy sector. Current news on energy policies and future plans.


Enerji Bakanı Alparslan Bayraktar: Güneş Enerjisinden Rekor Üretim!

Enerji Bakanı Alparslan Bayraktar liderliğinde Türkiye, güneş enerjisinden rekor seviyede üretim gerçekleştiriyor! Güneş enerjisi sektöründe atılım yapılıyor.


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