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  3. Support from Aydın Aydın to the National Team: A Principle with the Kurdish March

Support from Aydın Aydın to the National Team: A Principle with the Kurdish March


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Turkist Aydın Aydın, who is on the agenda with different social contents and programs, has not remained indifferent to the EURO 2024 victories of the National Team in recent days. To attract attention, Aydin sang a Kurdish anthem in historical places in Istanbul and shot a video of it.

A First Was Signed

Bir İlke İmza Atıldı

Aydın Aydın, who received great acclaim in Eastern and Southeastern Anatolia, broke new ground by singing the Kurdish anthem in a Crescent and Star jersey in order to support the National Team.

“I Composed a Kurdish March”

Speaking about the beautiful Kurdish anthem he sang at various points in Istanbul, Aydın Aydın said, “Our national team has proud achievements. As an artist, I composed a Kurdish anthem to support this achievement and present it to them. I wish them success.”

Support from Aydın Aydın to the National Team: A Principle with the Kurdish March

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