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Süleyman Arif Emre: He Was One of the Representatives of the Generation of Sacrifice in Politics


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President of the Istanbul Branch of the Turkish Writers Union: Süleyman Arif Emre Was One of the Representatives of the Generation of Sacrifice in Politics

Mahmut Bıyıklı, the Istanbul Branch President of the Turkish Writers Union, emphasized that Süleyman Arif Emre was one of the representatives of the generation of sacrifices that saw politics as a tool for a cause and paid the price for this cause, which was accepted as one of the pioneers of the national vision movement. Bıyıklı said, “That generation had no idea or effort to gain from politics. On the contrary, they added value and dignity to politics.”

Bıyıklı continued his speech as follows: “The late Süleyman Arif Emre was also an exceptional poet with very valuable poems. We can clearly see the richness of his inner world in his poems in which he deals with our national and spiritual values. Especially the famous “He wrote to our Prophet have been composed by artists and still have a place in people’s hearts. He was one of those who left behind a work and kept his book of deeds open.”

Again in his speech, he drew attention to the fact that Süleyman Arif Emre was the lawyer of great people of cause such as Necip Fazıl and Osman Yüksel Serdengeçti and that he was a figure who fearlessly took to the streets in the days of conflict.

Journalist and Writer Hasan Sarıçiçek: Süleyman Arif Emre Wrote the Manifesto of the Cyprus Peace Operation

Gazeteci Yazar Hasan Sarıçiçek: Süleyman Arif Emre, Kıbrıs Barış Harekatı'nın Manifestosunu Yazdı

Journalist and Writer Hasan Sarıçiçek touched upon the importance of having conducted the last interview with Süleyman Arif Emre before his death, and stated that they understand the value of his ideas and thoughts better with each passing day. Sarıçiçek said, “Süleyman Arif Emre, as someone who devoted his life to his country and people, suffered but never compromised on his cause. He wrote the manifesto of the Cyprus Peace Operation and walked towards justice on the night of July 20, the anniversary of this operation.”

Nejdet Külünk: Süleyman Arif Emre Was a Name That Did Not Bow Down to Applause and Tribune

Nejdet Külünk: Süleyman Arif Emre, Alkışlara ve Tribünlere Boyun Eğmeyen Bir İsimdi

Nejdet Külünk, who knew Süleyman Arif Emre closely, stated that Emre’s most important characteristic was his refusal to bow down to applause and the stands. The commemoration program was attended by the deceased’s son Ali Rıza Emre, businessman Ömer Emre, TYB President Mahmut Bıyıklı, Journalist and Writer Hasan Sarıçiçek, businessman Necdet Külünk and many of his fans.

The commemoration program ended with the prayer made by Kurra Hafız Ali Fıstık Hodja.

Süleyman Arif Emre: He Was One of the Representatives of the Generation of Sacrifice in Politics

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