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Striking Statements from Hamas Spokesperson Sami Abu Zuhri


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Hamas Spokesperson Sami Abu Zuhri made important statements at a press conference held in Beirut, the capital of Lebanon. Abu Zuhri touched on the ongoing negotiations with Israel, the tragedy in Gaza, and the floating pier built by the US on the coast of Gaza.

Situation and Negotiations in Gaza

Gazze'deki Durum ve Müzakereler

Abu Zuhri drew attention to the tragic situation in Gaza and emphasized that the people had problems accessing basic needs as a result of Israel blocking the entry of humanitarian aid. Abu Zuhri harshly criticized the policy of starving the people facing hunger and stated that this attitude contrary to international humanitarian law was a war crime.

Speaking about the ongoing negotiations with Israel, Abu Zuhri stated that Hamas is open to proposals such as a permanent ceasefire, withdrawal of troops from Gaza and a real prisoner exchange. However, he stated that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has not yet agreed to an agreement and does not accept Hamas’ demands.

US Floating Dock Initiative

ABD'nin Yüzer İskele Girişimi

Referring to the floating pier built by the USA on the coast of Gaza, Abu Zuhri argued that the USA, which is party to the bloodshed and blockade of the Palestinian people, uses this pier as a political propaganda tool. Abu Zuhri stated that the pier did not actually solve the food problem, but on the contrary caused the level of famine to rise even further.

Stressing that the United States is directly responsible for the tragic humanitarian situation in Gaza, Abu Zuhri called on the international community to pressure Israel to open its border gates.

Striking Statements from Hamas Spokesperson Sami Abu Zuhri

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