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Stray Animal Problem and Solution Suggestions


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There are approximately 6.6 million homeless animals in Turkey, 2.8 million of which are stray dogs. According to the latest data, a total of 92 citizens, 40 of whom were children, lost their lives from March 2022 to December 2023 due to bites, rabies and traffic accidents caused by stray dogs.

It is stated that the legal regulation regarding stray dogs, which have caused the death of nearly 100 citizens in the last two years, will soon be on the agenda of the Parliament.

Sahipsiz Hayvan Sorunu ve Çözüm Önerileri

Stray Dogs Report Presented to the President

Sahipsiz Köpekler Raporu Cumhurbaşkanı'na Sunuldu

AKP Central Executive Board member Yenişehirlioğlu made a statement on his social media account, saying, “Today, at the AKP Central Executive Board meeting, we presented the report we prepared regarding stray and aggressive street dogs to President Erdoğan.”

“We have full faith that this problem will be solved. We have full faith that our nation’s peace and security will be ensured on the streets, and that this problem, which everyone agrees on, will be solved. We hope that our report will reach a clear solution that will meet the expectations of all segments of society,” said Yenişehirlioğlu, who believes that the report will make significant contributions to the solution of the problem.

Stray Animal Problem and Solution Suggestions

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