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Reactions Continue to Germany’s Censorship Decision


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Ahmet Ozay: Reactions Continue to Germany’s Censorship Decision

The decision not to broadcast the Turkish National Team match during the European Football Championship by the German State Broadcasting Corporation ARD caused a huge backlash among the Turkish public. ARD claimed that the censorship was actually caused by the German Telekom Administration and that it was not intentional. It was announced that Telekom preferred the Turkey-Austria match by using its last 16 round broadcasting rights.

It was learned that Turkey intervened following this development in Germany and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs assigned the Berlin Embassy to resolve the issue.

Criticism from Rafet El Roman to German Media

Rafet El Roman'dan Alman Medyasına Eleştiri

German-born artist Rafet El Roman stated that this decision by the German media targeting Turks was not surprising. Expressing that he thought they were trying to prevent the enthusiasm of the Turks, Roman emphasized that the Turks’ celebrations could not be prevented and that they would celebrate in the best way possible. He also stated that they were afraid that the Turks living in Europe were becoming increasingly powerful.

Call from AK Party Deputy Chairman Zafer Sırakaya

AK Parti Genel Başkan Yardımcısı Zafer Sırakaya'dan Çağrı

German-born politician and AK Party Deputy Chairman Zafer Sırakaya also stated that censorship is a reflection of discrimination against Turkish society and that this mistake must be corrected. Sırakaya emphasized the principle of equality in the German constitution and stated that this discrimination that Turkish society is subject to is unacceptable.

Reactions Continue to Germany’s Censorship Decision

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