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Protest against Israel’s attacks on Gaza in Fatih


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“Say Stop to Genocide” March at Şehzade Mosque

Şehzade Camisi'nde

After the afternoon prayer, platform members and activists gathered at Şehzade Mosque and marched with the message of “Say stop to genocide.” The march continued until Beyazıt Square, chanting takbirs and chanting slogans against the occupying Israel. Citizens also supported this group.

Prayers for Gaza Martyrs

Following the march that ended in Beyazıt Square, the Quran was recited and prayers were made for those who were martyred in Gaza. Fahrettin Turan, who read the press release on behalf of the Prophet Lovers Platform, emphasized that the attacks of the occupying Israel were unprecedented savagery in the world.

Fahrettin Turan’s Statements

Fahrettin Turan'ın Açıklamaları

Turan stated that the attacks amounted to an attack on the Islamic Ummah, and said, “The Zionist barbarians, who have been acting more ruthlessly with all kinds of support from the US, which is the leader of the evil capitalist exploitation system, and who have been continuing their massacres in Gaza for months, are murderers, brutalists, and the current version of the Mongol and Crusader savagery of the modern age that has haunted the Islamic Ummah.”

Turan, who stated that the resistance of the people of Gaza is an example to the whole world, said, “The people of Gaza and their Islamic resistance should continue to be supported and embraced by all Muslims and every honorable member of the human family. Zionist, imperialist savagery should be condemned. It should be brought to the agenda on every platform.”

Fahrettin Turan emphasized that the whole world must stand up and countries must react to stop the attacks of the occupying Israel, and stated that silently watching the events is a death of conscience and intellectual slavery.

Protest against Israel’s attacks on Gaza in Fatih

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